Once students complete the initial registration process, schedule changes may be made according to the add/drop deadlines for each term as stated in the seminary’s academic calendar. No registration will be allowed after the stated deadline. download youtubedescargar play store
Students desiring to withdraw from a course must make their intention known to the Office of the Registrar according to the term/semester deadlines as stated in the seminary’s academic calendar.
Students who withdraw from 13-week and six-week courses during the second week (calendar days eight to 15 from the start of the term) will receive a notation of W (Withdrawal). Students withdrawing after the 15th calendar day of the term (after the NO REFUND deadlines) will receive a notation of WF (Withdrawal Fail). Students who withdraw from J-Term, Summer Term or short-term intensive courses will receive a WF notation at the NO REFUND deadline. See Refund Schedule in the current academic catalog. تحميل يوتيوب
A faculty signed add/drop slip must be submitted by the student to the Office of the Registrar for each course change during the period ranging from calendar day eight and beyond of the fall and spring semesters. A faculty signed add/drop slip must be submitted by the student to the Office of the Registrar for each course change for Winter Term, Summer or short-term intensive courses beyond the designated day of the NO REFUND deadline. See Refund Schedule in the current academic catalog. متجر بلاي
Students wishing to petition to withdraw without academic penalty may do so with verification from the instructor that the student was doing passing work at the time of withdrawal. A W (Withdrawal) notation will then be given. متجر التطبيقات