
This unit outlines the basic concepts and stages of Backward Design; a learning design methodology for designing learner centered learning experiences.

Learning Outcome for this Unit

After completing this unit, you will understand the basic concepts of Backward Design.

Ryan's Video Introduction for this Unit

Right click the link to save and download to your computer or mobile device.

Unit 2 Introduction Video -.mp4


  • Chapter 1 of Understanding by Design, Expanded 2nd Edition; Wiggins, Grant and McTighe, Jay; © 2005.
  • Chapters 3-4 of Creating Significant Learning Experiences; Fink, L. Dee; © 2003.


The Design Loop - Backward Design in Context

Right click the link to save and download to your computer or mobile device.

Design Loop Video -.mp4

A Brief Word about Purchasing Curriculum

Right click the link to save and download to your computer or mobile device.

Purchasing Curriculum Video -.mp4


In the full class discussion, create a post and choose and answer two of the following questions. Write as much as you need to address the topic thoughtfully. 250-500 words per question is a reasonable target for response length.

  1. Think of an experience that was a significant learning experience for you. This experience might have taken place in a school or some other non-formal environment. Describe what the experience was like for you as a learner. Think about the instructor or leader of that experience. What did he or she design and do to help you learn during that experience?
  2. Think about your experiences in adult education in ministry settings either as a student or a teacher. How does what you encountered in these readings from this unit affirm or challenge what you have experienced?
  3. As a teacher, what about the Backward Design framework excites you; what makes you cautious?