

The work or teaching and learning is done by real people, in real contexts, in time. Thinking about and documenting situational factors as a first step allows you to tailor your learning designs to the real needs of learners.

Learning Outcome for this Unit

After completing this unit, you will be able to articulate several situational factors that will have an impact on your learning design.

Ryan's Video Introduction for this Unit

Unit 3 Introduction Video -.mp4


  • Step 1 of the Integrated Course Design process in Creating Significant Learning Experiences; Fink, L. Dee. (pages 68-73.)


Starting in this unit, you will begin building the syllabus for your course design. We will be using Google Docs in this course for sharing syllabi - this will allow all of us in the class to view, edit, and comment one another's syllabi.

  1. If you don't already have a Google Docs account, create one now.
  2. Log into Google Docs and create a Document that will be your Syllabus.
  3. Select the share button in the document and add and select that  I can edit the Document. (I will work with you to share the document with the rest of the class.)
  4. On your Google Doc, write a title and brief description of the course or learning experience you are designing.
  5. Also, write out at least 4 situational factors that will be important for you to attend to in your course design. Explain why these factors are important. You may find there are more than 4 factors that are important in your course design, feel free to note as many as are helpful to you in your design work.